4 Q's: The Beauty of Difficult Conversations

Get your week Unstuck! 4 Q’s of agile inspiration.

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Quintessential Thought

Difficult conversations straddle the line between necessity and aversion. They may be challenging, but their presence demonstrates their significance in our lives. From addressing underperforming employees to dealing with disrespectful friends, these conversations hold the key to growth and deeper connections. It's essential to acknowledge their importance while recognizing the fear they evoke.

Reframe the approach! Instead of viewing these conversations as life-threatening, it's vital to approach them with an open hand, ready to accept different outcomes. By embracing vulnerability, we can let go of demanding specific results and instead engage in non-violent communication, making requests instead of demands. This approach creates space for mutual understanding and respect, paving the way for more meaningful connections and change.


The problem named is the problem solved. - Susan Scott

Conversation is a catalyst for innovation. — John Seely Brown

Choose to have a conversation with people , rather than talking to people. — D.J. Kyos

While no single conversation is guaranteed to transform a company, a relationship, or a life, any single conversation can. - Susan Scott

Quick Step

Peel off the band-aid. See that you can survive a difficult conversation. Start small and work your way up to a big, hairy, conversation.


What’s a difficult conversation you’ve been putting off? How can reframing your approach help prepare you for this?

If you enjoyed this edition, check out Chris and Mark’s new venture - The Human Project Podcast. We dive into the critical elements that make up our lives - both at work and interpersonally. It’s different than anything else we do, so it might be worth a listen!

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