4 Qs - Superpower: Essentialism + GIVEAWAY

Get your week Unstuck! 4 Qs of agile inspiration.

Hidden deep within the heart of every Agile leader lies a universe of untapped potential…extraordinary abilities that lead to extraordinary results. It’s time to awaken the superhero within you! Join us in this new series as we embark on a thrilling quest to discover, develop, and deploy your Agile Leader Superpowers!

Quintessential Thought

Our nemesis today is the the peril of perpetual addition. Product development teams often find themselves inundated with an endless stream of new backlog items, meetings, and processes. The rationale is simple: something isn’t working, so we add a solution. Over time, this relentless accumulation of work can dampen innovation, erode morale, and stifle productivity.

To counteract this trend, leaders must embrace the superpower of essentialism: focusing on what truly matters and eliminating the rest.

Simplicity is the cornerstone of essentialism. It's about finding the most straightforward path to a solution, stripping away unnecessary steps and complexities. For Product Owners, this might mean scoping a new backlog item down to the core elements. Scrum Masters can help teams streamline processes and activities, like deploying the product or refining the Product Backlog. As the Agile Manifesto states, “Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.”

Subtraction is the other side of the essentialism coin. It’s about intentionally seeking out and removing work that doesn’t contribute to the team’s goals. Scrum Masters, help the team consider who isn’t needed in a discussion or switch it to an opt-in conversation. Product Owners, it’s time to cull that Product Backlog to remove unnecessary items. Leaders, find and eliminate low-impact projects and goals.

Challenge the status quo. Are there long-standing processes or approvals that are no longer necessary? What is the true cost of these requirements?


“Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things done. It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.” ― Greg Mckeown

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” ― Albert Einstein

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ― Hans Hofmann

Quick Step

Next time you add something for the team to do, discuss the simplest way it could be done and remove another item that no longer needs to be done.


When was the last time you subtracted or simplified something for the team?

Learn Essentialism applied in a format that is convenient for you!

If you’re interested in learning how to determine what is essential - join us in this exclusive newsletter offer for our NEW self-paced Product Owner course! Covering the elements of how to use Scrum to focus only on what’s most important (and how to pass the PSPO assessment), be one of the first 10 to sign up to get it absolutely FREE!

If you aren’t one of the first 10, use this link to get 3 hours of content for only $19!

Admission - this self-paced stuff is new for us, so if you sign up, please leave us a review and share the word! (It helps with the algorithms so more people can learn about Essentialism!)

Thanks a ton!

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