4 Qs - Exploring Culture

Get your week Unstuck! 4 Qs of agile inspiration.


Quintessential Thought

Culture is a “fuzzy” word that’s used a lot, but can be hard to understand meaningfully. Your organization’s culture is more than just a set of values posted on the wall; it's the lifeblood that drives everything you do. You can observe culture through people’s action…or inaction. It shapes how people work, interact, and perceive your brand. A strong culture fosters engagement, productivity, and innovation - critical aspects of product development in complexity.

Within the culture of the broader organization, your team’s sub-culture binds people together toward your common goal. It's the shared language that fosters understanding, trust, and camaraderie. When team members feel connected by the team’s sub-culture, they're more likely to go above and beyond. 

A negative culture, on the other hand, can be a toxic force. Low morale, high turnover, and low product value can all result from poor culture. To thrive, your organization and team will need to adjust aspects of the culture to increase support for empiricism, collaboration, transparency, and continuous learning.

How can you understand the culture? Here are a few things to observe:

  • How decisions are made

  • The style and method of communication

  • How conflicts are handled

  • How people are recognized or punished

Understanding the culture is a critical step as a leader. Next week, we’ll look at a simple model for culture that brings the various aspects into focus.


“The culture of a company is the sum of the behaviors of all its people.” — Michael Kouly

“A hallmark of a healthy creative culture is that its people feel free to share ideas, opinions, and criticisms. Lack of candor, if unchecked, ultimately leads to dysfunctional environments.” — Ed Catmull

“Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything for better or for worse.” — Simon Sinek

Quick Step

Spend some time over the next few days observing the aspects of culture mentioned above.


How has the organization’s culture has helped and hindered your team and product?

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