4 Qs - Superpower: Constraint Clarification

Get your week Unstuck! 4 Qs of agile inspiration.

Hidden deep within the heart of every Agile leader lies a universe of untapped potential… Extraordinary abilities that lead to extraordinary results. It’s time to awaken the superhero within you! Join us in this new series as we embark on a thrilling quest to discover, develop, and deploy your Agile Leader Superpowers! Last week, we looked at Essentialism; this week, Constraint Clarification.

Quintessential Thought

In our crosshairs today are the invisible and perilous boundaries that exist in every organization. Some people trip over them, unknowingly triggering a barrage of negative consequences. Others fear the possibility so much that they act as if they’re tied up with invisible ropes, with a small “action radius.” The result? Teams act in very limited ways, and leaders wonder why their organization isn’t getting more done and their product isn’t more valuable.

But take heart - your Constraint Clarification superpower can save the day! 

Whether it’s a process to approve pull requests, an HR policy about performance goals, a Jira requirement enforced by configuration, or an unspoken assumption that no one delivers undesirable news to the boss…your critical mission is to bring these out of the shadows and see which ones are holding your product delivery and value hostage.

Here’s how to put it into action:

  1. Identify - Explicit constraints are documented boundaries or limitations enforced by processes and tools. Implicit ones are trickier - they're the unspoken things people avoid or behaviors that get punished. Notice them like a detective!

  2. Impact - Every constraint is a double-edged sword. What good does it do? And, what's the cost of keeping it around? Who is impacted? You may find that it’s critical to keep…or adapt.

  3. Owner - Identify who owns the constraint…or who has the authority to change it. Who can make decisions about it?

  4. Experiment - Is this constraint even real anymore? Talk it out, see if it needs to exist. If it's costing the team, product, and organization, let's explore! Maybe there's a better way to get the same benefits, or maybe the cost is too high. Get creative and try something new! (Need help requesting an experiment? Check out this secret weapon: how to make an experiment request.)

Invisible constraints lose their mystery when exposed. Even if you they aren’t completely removed, just looking constraints can bring clarity and focus. So grab your magnifying glass and unleash your Constraint Clarification superpower!


"For engineers, designers and other creative problem-solvers, a formal definition of the constraints within which they must work is essential to channel energies and expand creativity" Adam Morgan

“Clarity affords focus.” Thomas Leonard

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." John Archibald Wheeler

Quick Step

Observe your team or co-workers to see what unwritten constraints you can discover.


When have you encountered a constraint that was harmful to you or your team? Helpful?

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