4 Qs - Superpower: Awareness

Get your week Unstuck! 4 Qs of agile inspiration.

Hidden deep within the heart of every Agile leader lies a universe of untapped potential… In this series, we’ve embarked on a thrilling quest to discover, develop, and deploy your Agile Leader Superpowers! So, far we’ve looked at Essentialism, Constraint Clarification, Listening, and Challenging. This week, Awareness.

Quintessential Thought

Feeling disconnected from your team? Struggling to inspire others to overcome challenges? It might be time to level up your Awareness superpower. 

We often assume we know what's going on, how people feel, and what the problems are. But this can lead to blind spots that hinder effective leadership.

As a next step to sharpen your awareness, attend one of your team’s meetings and mentally step back to observe:

  • Nonverbal cues: Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can reveal much.

  • Words not said: What isn't being said? Are there unspoken tensions or concerns?

  • Engagement patterns: Who's connecting with whom? Who's staying quiet?

  • Decision-making: How are options evaluated and decisions reached?

While listening (our superpower topic two weeks ago) involves tuning in to what people say, awareness expands your view to the entire picture. It's about noticing patterns, connections, and the unspoken elements that contribute to the overall environment. 

Awareness sparks curiosity. You’ll see things that the people involved aren’t aware of. You won’t understand everything you observe, but by seeking deeper insights, you can foster stronger connections, make better decisions, and lead more effectively.


“If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.” - Robert Baden-Powell

“You can observe a lot by just watching.” - Yogi Berra

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” - James Thurber

Quick Step

Spend 30 minutes quietly observing the interactions and engagement of the people on your team, noting the things you see and hear.


How can you set aside your assumptions and biases so you can observe what’s actually happening with your team?

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